Monday, April 28, 2008

Insulate - Don't Isolate

Last month we chatted about how easy it is to put up the walls in our friendships when we have experienced "not so fabulous" women in our lives. Sometimes, depending on the scars both internal and external, we sometimes only allow people to see what we want them to see. It's not always easy putting your self out there emotionally.

There are other times that so many of us have experienced a situation in our lives when we really felt like we didn't have anyone to turn to either out of fear of their reaction or fear of exposure. The "What will they think" syndrome sets in. And, in many cases you're right; keep up the walls and don't let people in who are judgmental and incapable of lifting you up, being there and strengthening you in your time of need.

But, on the flip side, when you experience these feelings it means you are not properly insulated. Every one of us needs to surround ourselves with the right women. You need an insulation of women that will build you up, be there to listen to the pain and at the same time that will send you soaring and lift your spirits and celebrate life with you.

How do you find them? You look, you sift and you find. Sometimes it comes easily and other times it requires a little more sifting than others, but they are there. As you sift you will find different levels of friendships along the way, fitting many purposes. It will be a few that will end up being your real insulation. They will be the ones you can divulge and reveal it all too, trusting them in return. Trust, still remains one of the most important factors in any relationship. If you can't trust them, you can't insulate with them.

Regardless of the past, you have to insulate it will provide you with strength and power in the journey of womanhood!


Author: Jodie Fitz, wife and mother of three, is living life like every other woman in America; working towards a career, taking care of kids, keeping a household, putting up with the craze life throws everyday and simply just surviving! Thank GOD for other women, "Grown Up Girlfriends," who are there to prolong the survival rate, make life a little easier and whole lot more fun! Jodie Fitz, describing herself as a combination of 20% Martha Stewart, 40% Irma Bombeck and 100% Lucille Ball has tried almost everything, pulling many "Ethels" along the way. But, every step of life has provided great "Grown Up Girlfriends" to celebrate the HIGHS and lows making each situation either obtainable or survivable! Jodie Fitz is the founder of and a national speaker on women's issues.


You can, as long as you include this complete statement with it: Jodie Fitzgerald, is the founder of and a national speaker on women's issues. If you're ready to have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE Bi-Weekly Girlfriend eZine from Jodie Fitzgerald now at:


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