Monday, April 28, 2008

Women and Their Sisters - How They Get Mired in Their Childhood Relationships as Siblings

It's always sad when sisters close in age don't get along. You love each other because you are related, but when you harbor resentments from childhood, it's hard to like each other.

Barbara, at 46, is two years older than Yvonne. They live about 30 minutes apart. They have several children each, including eight year old sons who are best friends.

"But it's so friggin' hard," exclaims Barbara, a petite woman with long straight dark brown hair. Yvonne's always complaining that she has to drive further to get the boys, or my son gets more attention than hers, or that my husband and I have more money so we buy our children more.

Yvonne counters. "Mom and Dad always help her more than me, and they call her more often. It's just like when we were kids; you always got more sprinkles on your ice cream."

"Grow up, Yvonne," Barbara hisses.

Yvonne heaves a deep sigh. "It's easy for you to say. I know it sounds childish, but I can't help that's what I feel. You do get more. You always have. You were the cute, petite one, the smart one, the goody-two-shoes. I was the big lumbering kid with curls going in all directions. I could never sit still in school, was always getting in trouble. You were the perfect child, and now you're the perfect Mom."

This may sound like childish rivalry but it is very painful and real to Yvonne, who is competent enough to manage a music store and be president of her townhouse association. But ghosts from childhood have long arms and can reach far into the future if these old images aren't addressed.

The sisters call asking for help. As Yvonne put it, "We are sisters; our children will have Bar Mitzvah together; we share parents. Our lives will always be entwined. So, we have to fix things." Yet, they both have their doubts.

Regardless of age, ghosts from childhood permeate siblings' relationships. There are numerous reasons why young siblings have problems with each other, such as parental favoritism, one child having more socially valued attributes, one having neurological or behavioral problems. Barbara and Yvonne are affected by the most common reason -- crystallized roles.

In most families, children develop roles that balance two opposites: one child good and the other bad; one athletic, the other musical; one serious, the other funny. It's as if they are locked into these roles, unable to free themselves. Unfortunately, this can become a formula for built-in resentment and jealousy.

In talking about their roles, Yvonne believes she's never measured up to Barbara. Even as adults, she feels Barbara rubs her nose in how much better off she is than Yvonne.

She is shocked, therefore, when Barbara acknowledges being in the "good child" role, but explains what a high price she has paid. "I saw what Mom and Dad went through with you; I didn't want them to ever have problems with me. I was real young when I made a pact with myself; I would never challenge them and would always do whatever they wanted. When they told me I couldn't take the dance lessons I so dearly wanted, I decided I didn't really want to dance. I have a gazillion examples like that. I gave up myself in order to be their good daughter."

Yvonne is not yet ready to feel sorry for her privileged sister. "I could never get their approval. I remember at some point saying if they were going to see me as bad, I might as well do bad things. I certainly couldn't be good like you."

As they share memories from their elementary years, which is when roles get formed, they see where their parents essentially guided them into these contradictory roles, and how their different personalities made it easy to accept them.

Families have a hard time letting a member change the crystallized role. However, when sisters work together, it is doable.

I have Barbara and Yvonne write down all the negative images they carry about the other. When they compare the list, they are surprised; it is so different from their image of themselves.

The sisters stare at each other. Maybe they stare at the little girl deep inside. I imagine new twists to old images race through their minds. I imagine they struggle seeing past scenes from a new angle. Who knows what really goes through another's mind while transformations are happening?

They sit for a long time. Then, as if simultaneously, they stand and hug and cry. I wish I could say that things improved dramatically after that. They didn't, but this discussion became the foundation for finding different interpretations to the problems they have with each other today.

They make a new pact, this time with each other. When annoyed, they will check to see if the feelings are warranted today or left over from their childhood relationship.

If your relationship with a sister (or brother) is strained or rocky, I invite you to my web to get a free copy of Causes of Sibling Conflict. Go to and click on Special Offers. And for a special gift, a weekend get-away with your siblings for fun and to improve your relationship, go to

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis, The Woman Who Helps Women And The People They Love

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis - EzineArticles Expert Author

Bad Men You Should Avoid When Dating

Women always say, "I didn't know he was like that" when their boyfriends perform acts that cause everyone around them shame. In some cases they really weren't aware of the boyfriend's mischievous deeds, but in other cases women knew well in advance they just hoped he would stop.

Most women are not stupid, gullible, dumb, or any other name critics choose to call them for the selections in men they make. For some, they truly had no idea their boyfriend meant bad news for them. The ever-popular question of, "Why did she get herself involved with him anyway?" continues to loom over their heads and the reasons vary depending on whom you ask. Some women may have found out about their problem boyfriend and stayed because of love, status, money and/or power. Others may have stayed because they didn't want to carry the guilt of leaving their children's father over issues they feel could be resolved.

Still many women feel they can change him. As long as women continue to believe that the power of sex, money, counseling, personal sacrifice or a host of other strategies to change a bad man will work, they will continue to subject themselves to mental and physical abuse. These strategies simply will never work for some men. There comes a time when women will have to get off their knees whether she is praying to God or pleading to her mate to change. She will have to stand up carrying her self-respect in hand and walk right through the door of "end the relationship now."

The following advice is written for women who haven't yet made a commitment or a baby with a "bad boy." She may be struggling with whether she is ready to settle down with him, distance herself from him or keep him as a friend. Although the best advice is not to offer to carry him or his burdens and just leave him alone, there will be those women who will still stay. If those women choose to stay, they have committed themselves to a hard life of many restless nights, aches and pains at times mentally and/or physically and they most likely will past negative behaviors to their future children and their children.

The Liar - In the beginning of the relationship, you caught him in a few white lies. He had what seemed like convincing excuses; therefore you let him get away with them. Now the lying has increased and the excuses have become minimal if not at all. Actions you may want to consider are the following: Approach him not only with what you think, but what you know; in other words have proof. Stop taking his lying lightly. Let him know that this behavior you will not accept any longer. If he chooses to continue lying, then tell him you will have to end the relationship for good. Once you have made a decision that you are leaving, begin to make efforts to not be contacted by him (change your cell phone number, block his email address, put places you hang out frequently on hold, and avoid telling mutual friends about your personal whereabouts, thoughts and feelings. You must not leave and then go back to him, he will only get better about lying to you over time.

The Player also known as The Pimp - This man is obsessed with being contacted or making contact with the opposite sex. He will use cell phone, email, your house phone or friends to make contact with whomever he meets. He will leave a trail of evidence whether it is the popular piece of paper that slips out of his pocket with a phone number without a name, restaurant receipts, hotel charges, cologne or jewelry gifts, read and sent email that sits in his account that he forgot to delete. He begins to create a pattern in his actions when you have become old and someone else becomes new. Look out for this repetitious pattern. He may develop his pattern after work on a daily basis working later and later nights at the office then when he comes home he is providing almost too much detail about what happened at work or not at all.

Another pattern he may create may be choosing a hobby or interest that is very unusual to his personality and attending this faithfully, what you can do to find out if he is sincere is offer to pick him up from the pottery class on some nights. Watch his reaction. There may also be the weekend pattern of always "needing to get away, have some time to myself, or I'm so busy with errands." All the while making little or no time for the two of you to go out and be seen together. When you suggest new places to visit, he finds an excuse to take you to the same area you both are familiar to keep from running into the other woman or women. He finds a way, anyway, to travel to places without you regularly using an excuse such as "I'm going to my mother's house or hanging out with Rick, Joe or someone you never heard of Frank." Be careful family and friends will cover for him. He will call you, at times when he knows you are out and about to see if you will be in the proximity where he will be entertaining the other woman or women. He is protective of his cell phone and his computer; if you tried to check either it may be password protected. You may want to consider whether having to worry over your man's whereabouts is worth all of this aggravation. In time, you will become insecure, angry for no apparent reason, and develop a since of distrust toward everyone you meet. This is baggage you don't need.

The Thief - He has been around when things go missing. At first you didn't suspect him and thought items had just been misplaced or he blamed someone else for taking them. Yet, you have always had a funny feeling in your gut that he was the one who made off with your dad's tools, took your favorite CD, helped himself to some cash sitting around, and other important items. It is time to come up with a plan, set him up. The kind of plan you come up with can't be easily figured out by him and if you sincerely want your restless conscience to be at peace, then go to great lengths to figure out whether he is trustworthy. Time is money and the longer you stay with him, the more items will go missing.

The Hustler - He is always thinking of a way to separate people from their money illegally. From identity theft to standing on the street corner selling drugs, he always has a knot of money and doesn't mind living lavishly. Now you may think that what he has told you about his daytime job is paying the bills, but the truth of the matter that job didn't pay for the designer clothing and expensive jewelry you wear; instead it was the second one you may or may not know about. This man is dangerous. He has enemies and one day some one will catch up with him, you or anyone who associates with either of you, and the sight won't be pretty. You must ask yourself this question, is he worth putting your life and everyone else's lives around you in danger?

The Abuser/Controller - You can never do anything right. He is often critical, walks around with an attitude and every opportunity he has alone he wants you to stop living your world to be with him. In the beginning of the relationship, you justified his negative personality with excuse after excuse. Whether he is physically ill, illiterate, disabled or mentally disturbed and on medication, you have a right to explain how you feel about him to him. You may have done this already and got knocked to the ground whether verbally or physically. You may have told yourself that things will get better and he is making an effort to change. Well that is good if he is sincere about becoming a better man; however, he can make those strides without you living with him and subjecting yourself to his name calling, mood swings, choking, punching, and grabbing. There are no rewards in heaven given to women who allow themselves to be abused by men. There was only one Christ in the Holy Bible and you are not He. (Read more about the abuser in an article I wrote entitled, "How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Abusive" at this site.)

The Mooch - You have invited him once again on an outing and he never has any money in his wallet. During inopportune times, he says he needs to stop at the ATM and you know there is none even close to where the two of you are located. When he offers to take you out, he usually picks a place that he doesn't have to pay much (despite the fact that when it was on your tab he ordered steak and another time lobster!) He drives your car and doesn't fill it up, when you mention it; he finally puts some gas in the tank -- a measly $5 or $10. Holidays come and go with very little if any acknowledgment from him. Yet, you bought him (and possibly his relatives) really nice gifts whether it was a holiday or not. He displays affection, says all the right things, and listens to your concerns only when he knows he needs something from you.

If you choose to continue a relationship with this man you have options and they are as follows. You could stop being so generous and treat him how he treats you. For example, when you invite him out, treat him to the kind of places he takes you. Put a limit on how often he drives your car. Avoid helping him when he is in a bind since you know he won't help you. Make yourself unavailable to run errands for him and anyone associated with him (that includes his children by a previous relationship, his mother, sister or brother.) If he begins to see you are no fool, he won't continue to run over you and will grow to appreciate you. However, if he doesn't you will be making it easy for him to walk away from you without you having to break up with him.

The Drunk/ Drug Abuser - How many times have you seen him intoxicated or using drugs? Is he fun, angry, disgusting or depressed afterward? Are most of the relationship problems you have been facing associated with this type of behavior? If so, then you will have to consider whether or not you will help him get counseling from a distance, continue to live with him and endure the abuse, leave him alone altogether or create an intervention for him that includes a professional counselor, family and friends who have all been affected by his negative ways. If he consistently refuses help, then for your own sanity and safety, leave him alone.

What is Radical Feminism?

Radical feminism states that the defining feature of women's oppression is the societies sexist and capitalist hierarchy.

The movement believes that only the eradication of our patriarchy society will give women true equality.

The radical identifies that the only way to rid society of patriarchy is to attack the causes of the problems and also to address the fundamental components of society that support them.

The radical feminists ideology is, "A male-based authority and power structure and that it is responsible for oppression and equality, and that as long as the system and its values are in place, and society will not be able to be reformed in any significant way."

The feminist identified other oppression that is apparent in a patriarchal society. The oppression is also based on gender identity, race, and social class, perceived attractiveness, sexual orientation and ability.

The radicals theory of patriarchy recognises the key element is a relationship of dominance and exploits others for their own benefit.

The use of this oppression is a social system that includes other methods that are incorporated to suppress women and non-dominate men.

In 1984 Ellen Willis wrote, "That radical feminism got sexual politics recognised as a public issue. They sparked the drive to legalize abortion and were the first to demand total equality in the so-called private sphere."

The private sphere consisted of equality in sexual and emotional needs, childcare and housework.

Another form of radical feminism is the separatist; they do not support heterosexual relationships. They believe that sexual disparities between the sexes make it impossible to resolve the main issues in society.

The separatist feminist purports that men are a hindrance to the feminist movement as they "replicate patriarchal dynamics."

Marilyn Frye a writer on radical feminism purports, "Separatist feminism is separation of various sorts or modes from men and from institutions, relationships, roles and activities that are male defined.

"Also being male dominated and operating for the benefit of males and the maintenance of male privilege - this separation being initiated or maintained, at will, by women."


Author: Lucy Brookes


Lucy Brookes is a feminist author interested in women studies.

What is Liberal Feminism?

Liberal Feminism has been called the mainstream form of feminism out of all the sub types.

It is said that liberal feminism is an individualistic form, concentrating on women having the ability to maintain their equality through being responsible for their own actions and choices.

The ideology of the liberal feminist is that women will transform society, through their own personal interactions with the opposite sex.

The liberal feminist believes "All women are capable of asserting their ability to achieve equality, therefore it is possible for change to happen without altering the structure of society."

The liberal feminist also believe that the equality of men and women can only be achieved by changes being brought through political and legal reform. They want the eradication of institutional bias and implementations of fairer laws towards women.

Some of the main issues of liberal feminism include reproductive and abortions rights, sexual harassment, voting rights, education, affordable childcare and affordable health care.

The United States liberal feminists campaign for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and the Constitutional Equity Amendment. They want to ensure that men and women are treated as equals under the democratic laws that influence and govern women's lives.

They also bring to the forefront the issues of sexual and domestic violence perpetrated against women.

Other issues that the liberal feminists identify are disability rights, ecofeminism, family, marriage equality, mother's economical rights and media activism.

Writers of liberal feminism, Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill were publishing within the first wave of feminism during the nineteenth and early twentieth century.

The second wave of feminism during the 1960's to 1970's produced liberal feminist writers such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem and Rebecca Walker who is one of the third wave's liberal feminist's writers.

Critics of liberal feminism say, "Individual assumptions make it difficult to see ways in which underlying social structures and values disadvantage women."

They state that even if a woman is no longer dependent on an individual man, they will still be living in a patriarchal state. Thus institutional changes alone are insufficient to give women equality in society.

The liberal feminist has also been criticised further for being based on white, middle class women's issues. It was noted that they had ignored the plight of other women of different races, cultures or class.


Author: Lucy Brookes


Lucy Brookes is a feminist author interested in women studies.

What is Anarcha-Feminism?

Anarcha-feminism has also been called anarchist feminism and anarcho feminism. It unites both the ideologies of anarchism and feminism.

They hold the view that patriarchy is as a manifestation of an involuntary hierarchy. The anarchist struggle against patriarchy is also an important part of the class struggle against the state.

The philosophy behind this view is that the anarchist struggle is a necessary component of the feminist struggle and vice-versa.

It has been purported that both anarchism and feminist go hand in hand. As anarchism is a political philosophy that opposes all relationships of power thus making it inherently feminist.

The anarcha-feminist is opposed to the traditional concepts of the family, education and gender roles.

The state that marriage is an institution that stifles individual growth and that it is primarily an economics arrangement. Which sees women giving up the right to their name, privacy, self-respect and life.

They also believe that a non-hierarchal family and educational structure would be the only way to gain an equal society.

Anarchist feminism is noted for having both individualistic and collectivism forms, with the individualist being more prominent in the United States. European anarchists concentrate more on the collectivism form.

Writer Wendy McElroy sited, " Ifeminism or individualist feminism, combines feminism with anarcho-capitalism or libertarianism."

She continues by arguing, "That a pro-capitalist, anti-state position implies equal rights and empowerment for women."

Recently in the United States anarcha-feminist circles coined the term "Manarchist" as a pejorative label for male anarchists.

They state, "The male anarchists who are dismissive of feminist concerns, who are overtly antifeminist, or who behave in ways regarded as patriarchal and misogynistic."

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century anarcha-feminism was introduced by authors and theorist such as Emma Goldman, Voltairine de Cleyre and Lucy Parsons.

An anarchist and feminist group was created in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The movement was called Mujeres Libres (Free women) and was set up to defend the rights anarchist and feminist ideology.

It had been noted that anarcha-feminism is dismissive of third world feminist views and oppressions. This was especially apparent in the fight of the anarcha-feminist in the Middle East, as there issues were not taken in to consideration.


Author: Lucy Brookes


Lucy Brookes is a feminist author interested in women studies.

Insulate - Don't Isolate

Last month we chatted about how easy it is to put up the walls in our friendships when we have experienced "not so fabulous" women in our lives. Sometimes, depending on the scars both internal and external, we sometimes only allow people to see what we want them to see. It's not always easy putting your self out there emotionally.

There are other times that so many of us have experienced a situation in our lives when we really felt like we didn't have anyone to turn to either out of fear of their reaction or fear of exposure. The "What will they think" syndrome sets in. And, in many cases you're right; keep up the walls and don't let people in who are judgmental and incapable of lifting you up, being there and strengthening you in your time of need.

But, on the flip side, when you experience these feelings it means you are not properly insulated. Every one of us needs to surround ourselves with the right women. You need an insulation of women that will build you up, be there to listen to the pain and at the same time that will send you soaring and lift your spirits and celebrate life with you.

How do you find them? You look, you sift and you find. Sometimes it comes easily and other times it requires a little more sifting than others, but they are there. As you sift you will find different levels of friendships along the way, fitting many purposes. It will be a few that will end up being your real insulation. They will be the ones you can divulge and reveal it all too, trusting them in return. Trust, still remains one of the most important factors in any relationship. If you can't trust them, you can't insulate with them.

Regardless of the past, you have to insulate it will provide you with strength and power in the journey of womanhood!


Author: Jodie Fitz, wife and mother of three, is living life like every other woman in America; working towards a career, taking care of kids, keeping a household, putting up with the craze life throws everyday and simply just surviving! Thank GOD for other women, "Grown Up Girlfriends," who are there to prolong the survival rate, make life a little easier and whole lot more fun! Jodie Fitz, describing herself as a combination of 20% Martha Stewart, 40% Irma Bombeck and 100% Lucille Ball has tried almost everything, pulling many "Ethels" along the way. But, every step of life has provided great "Grown Up Girlfriends" to celebrate the HIGHS and lows making each situation either obtainable or survivable! Jodie Fitz is the founder of and a national speaker on women's issues.


You can, as long as you include this complete statement with it: Jodie Fitzgerald, is the founder of and a national speaker on women's issues. If you're ready to have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE Bi-Weekly Girlfriend eZine from Jodie Fitzgerald now at:

Naturally Beautiful Spring And Summer Makeup In 10 Easy Steps

How do you get that radiant look for Spring and Summer?

Spring and Summer 2008 featured lots of pretty new looks. Smokey dramatic eyes are favoured by some designers while bright red lips are other designers' choice.

Nude makeup is back, but so is that naturally pretty look that you might see on a radiant bride. Sort of. This season's look is more like a garden nymph.

One look that stood out was that green eyed beauty look. That's a head turning look at a garden party. Perfect for spring and summer.

Here's how you get that look in just 10 steps.

1. Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face. Get the base right if you want the makeup to look great.

2. Any zits? Hide them with a concealer. Keep your eyes fresh with an undereye concealer is your must. Get them sparkly with eye drops.

3. Apply your makeup foundation with a wet sponge or finger tips. Whichever you are more adept with.

4. Pick a little loose powder with a large powder brush. Dust off the excess and apply it over entire face, including eyelids (keep eyes closed).

5. Take a large blush brush. Dip it into bronze powder, coral blush or peach blush, whichever looks best on you. Dust off the excess on the back of your hand. Then use the brush and apply blush on forehead, cheeks and chin for an all over glow.

6. Apply green eyeshadow over the entire eyelid from lashes to crease.

7. Use a white or beige shimmer eyeshadow to highlight the brow bone.

8. Draw a fine line with kohl on your lower lashline and just above upper lash line. If you are blonde, use a brown liner. If you are brunette, use black.

9. Apply 2 coats of mascara on your lashes, allow the mascara to dry between applications.

10. Use a lipbrush to line and fill in lips with a peach or coral lipstick.

Find out your best version of this look at Spring And Summer Makeup For Your Coloring

A Few Tips About Pepper Spray

Pepper spray will not kill anyone but it will stop an attacker by making their whole face burn! The irritation is so bad, that the eyes will swell up and shut, therefore making them temporarily blind! The pepper spray can make the skin and mucous membranes (nose & throat) so irritated that they will cough and choke. The irritation will last several minutes and give you time to get away.

It is unbelievable that such a simple product can help so much in moments as horrifying as this. But there are also 2 important limitations when using pepper spray, which you should keep in mind. First, pepper spray works best when sprayed right side up (just remember that your hairspray won't work if you hold it upside down). Second, if there is too much wind it is not recommended for use, especially if the wind is blowing against you because you might get sprayed back! The best kind of pepper you can get is Pepper Foam (found under Mace on our website). Pepper Foam works best because it is so thick and sticky that it saturates the attacker's face even in windy conditions. Pepper Foam, like most other pepper sprays, also comes with an identifying UV dye that can help identify an attacker and be used as evidence in the crime! There are other types of pepper spray available as well. You can choose the foam as mentioned previously, or you can choose from streams, gels, foggers and aerosols. Some pepper sprays also come combined with tear gas!

Pepper sprays come in many shapes and sizes. You can get pepper sprays in an injection molded holster with keychain, leatherette holsters with key chains, disguised as a lipstick, as a pen, a pager, a ring. It also comes in unique ergonomic forms such as the Guardian Angel pepper spray unit. There are even baton pepper sprays and pepper spray guns! Needless to say, there are many models to choose from. was designed by two women who deeply believe in combatting violent crimes against women before they happen by empowerment and prevention. sells non lethal, self defense products such as Mace, pepper sprays, personal alarms and stun devices such as stun guns. Protect yourself or a loved one and visit and purchase a safety product. These products make great gifts that show you care.

Susan Eaton

Status of Women

Women's Empowerment


There is an extreme manifestation of unequal social relations between men and women within the family and the economy. The state fails to transform the existing social relations based on dependence, oppression and exploitation. Socio economic arrangements of sex / gender based disparity are reflected in lower wages for women, their under reporting in the labour force and the disadvantaged position of women in health and education. The constitution of India declared the equality of sex as a guiding principle. As such family should be basically an egalitarian unit founded on equal rights of the individuals who form a family. The subordination of women to men pervades family life in all classes and castes in India.


A study on the status of women in Indian history is a difficult task for several reasons. The idea of better status for Indian women has been slowly evolving, through social and religious reforms and change. It had several ups and downs. In fact, the real emancipation of women began with education, occupational mobility, diversification of their roles, changes in child marriage, widow remarriage, sati and the like. Woman is the companion of man gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to participate in the minutest details of activities of man and she has the same rights of freedom and liberty. Indian women have diverse multi-dimensional characteristics. They have progressive as well retrogressive, roles and values among several religious and caste groups all over India. Most of them are housewives. The urban women are better placed and have benefited from the existing opportunities for development at a faster rate than the rural. In the field of science and technology they now play a great role. They have many hurdles to overcome yet.


In a patriarchal society like India, repression of the women has always been justified as a natural thing. Indian thinkers and social activists did not take the issue of gender stratification very seriously. Indian Constitution and legislations provide equal status to men and women. According to Article 14 of the constitution, the state shall not deny any person equality before the law. But in reality, all women do not enjoy this equality of status with men. Especially in the home, married women are likely to experience relative inequality due to patriarchal mind sets, rigid sex role stereotypes and socio-economic powerlessness. In India, the family is mainly patriarchal and patrilineal which denies egalitarian gender relations. There prevails a great gender bias in society which stops women from coming forward on any front of life.


Conscientization of Women

Conscientization of women makes them aware about their social economic conditions, their duties and rights and the way to break the chains of their ignorance.

Building confidence in women

Unless and until, confidence is built in women that they are no way inferior to men and society, they will not be able to recognize their identity and their role in society. Change in social Attitude

We can make laws and enact legislations, but legislations alone are not going to stop atrocities on women. These can be stopped only when we in society build public opinion against these atrocities. For this, there is a need to change social attitude towards women.

Collective Awareness

Collective awareness should be brought amongst women about their roles and rights in the society. For this, action may be initiated through mass mobilization of women for their empowerment. Media can play an important role to bring about radical changes in the attitudes of people in society.


According to 2001 census the sex ratio is 933 females per 1000 males. The adverse sex ratio and its decline age groups has emerged as matter of concern in India. Preference for sons, intra-household gender discrimination and limited access to health care can explain this trend. India has enacted legislation banning the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques for sex determination. Efforts are being undertaken for implementing a master plan of action to tackle the problems of violence against girl children through infanticide, sex selection and trafficking.


The approach to women's development in first five year plan (1951-1956) was not clear. Women were projected as beings in need of education, health and welfare services only. The Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) set up in 1953, undertook to promote a number of welfare measures through voluntary organisations. Manila Mandals were promoted for rendering essential services of education and health both by the CSWB and community Development program through the first and second five year plans. The third, fourth and fifth plans continued the same approach without giving any support to the strategies of development perspectives and empowerment of women. The sixth five year plan (1979-84) failed to remove disparity and injustice in both social and economic life. The seventh five year plan (1985-90) highlighted the strategy of direct attack on the problems of poverty, unemployment and the provision of gainful employment to the women and youth.

The strategy in eighth plan (1993-97) was "to ensure that the benefits of development from different sectors do not by-pass women and special programmes were implemented to complement the general programmes". Education and nutrition, legal literacy and "changes in social attitudes and perceptions in regard to the role of women were mentioned as essential for empowerment. The most dramatic development during this period was the passing of 73 rd and 74th (constitutional) amendment in 1992 making provision for reservation of one third of seats for women in the local bodies. The Ninth plan (1997-2002) declared the empowerment as one of the objectives of the plan. The strategy of empowerment of women was through women's Self-Help Groups.


The policy document is devised into seventeen sections. A number of steps were taken to build a strong foundation for empowering women and making them participants in decision making. The goal of the policy is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. The objectives of this policy include full development of women, enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom, equal access to participation and decision making to health care, quality education, employment, elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, changing societal attitudes, elimination of all forms of violence against women and building and strengthening partnership with civil society particularly women's organisations.


While a number of legislative measures were adopted to guarantee legal equality to women, in practice these measures could not reorient and redefine the new roles that women are expected to take up. Legislation alone cannot create proper environments for eliminating gender inequalities, and transform the unequal social relations based on oppression and exploitation. We need a radical reformation in the organization of economy along with a radical change in the structure of family, including reorganization of our attitudes towards gender relations. Women should be perceived as producers and participants, not merely clients for welfare.

Working Mothers - Time Managers Par Excellence

She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along. ~ Margaret Culkin Banning

Mothers Day is a celebration of womanhood. The 21st century woman is confident, independent and caring. She knows her worth and does not wait for a man to give recognition to her identity. She is sure about her strides and knows where she is headed. Many of them have made choices that were unthinkable even a decade back. These choices speak of her courage, resilience and will power. They have catapulted themselves to the summit of the fields they have plunged into. Even when they have gifted new life to their families, they have not let their careers take a back seat, nor have they lost sight of the focus.

I'm sure you have seen them. Rushing on the road to catch a bus or cab with a child, sometimes even a toddler in tow, they are working mothers. They have made a conscious choice not to let their child come in the path of their career. It is not a logical conclusion that they are single; many of them are married with their partners earning enough to put bread on the table. Still they have decided to stay put on the path they have chosen. Economic independence is an integral part of modern life and they do not need to be told that. Single mothers, of course, have no choice but to go out and work. This does not mean that they do it grudgingly; they are very happy in their lives and would not give up this for anything.

Life for a working mother is tough, if not totally impossible. She has to strike a very fine balance, the scales of which make sense only to her. You or I cannot find possible explanations as to how she manages to straddle equally demanding paths. Her child is her priority but she doesn't ignore the client meeting to spend time with her child. She will do it nevertheless but she will also make a provision to come prepared for the client meeting. Her time-management skills can make a CEO make a desperate dash for his or her watch.

There are times when she has to handle critical issues which are high on the emotion quotient. Her child may find it hard sometimes to come to terms with the double life his or her mom is leading. The child may not be getting her attention when he or she needs the most. This may result in bouts of depression and a feeling of resentment against the mother. Then it is up to the mother how she handles it. It will require time, care, even cajole and lots of time. That is the ultimate test of a mother on the home-front.

In office, she may have to do a lot of hard work to prove herself and her seriousness about her work. Society holds a prejudice against her because she is a mother. She may also have to refuse promotions and offers which will ask her to cut slices of her time off her personal life. Other than these, a mention should be made of the numerous bills that she has to go around paying, groceries, shopping and the works. So to all those women who are working mothers, my salute to you. All those who are on track to this road, my salute to you too, for having made this choice. For nothing is more rewarding when you child smiles and opens the door for you after a hard day's work.

Dorothy Smith is the author of this article wants to send information about the events & special occasions. Want to know more about mothers day or mothers day ecards. Celebrate Mothers Day by sending mothers day wishes and other special mothers day ecards.

How to Look HOT in a Maternity Bathing Suit

Do you mean you could actually look good in a bathing suit and go to the beach while pregnant? Like even 8 months pregnant? Of course you can, as specially made maternity swimwear is available in many styles (even plus sizes) to accommodate your preferences and give you the look you want. You may even get a compliment on how beautiful you look being pregnant!

No, you don't have to wear an all black, oversized bathing fact, colorful prints will make you look prettier, flatter your skin tone and detract attention away from your large tummy.

Did you know that swimming is considered the best exercise when you're pregnant? So even if you live in Minnesota, it would be good for you to visit the local indoor (heated) pool and swim. See my website for specific swim strokes that are best and ones to avoid. But, back to the maternity bathing suit topic...

Are you one of those women who like to show their entire stomach when pregnant? Then just buy a regular bikini. No problem. But if you don't want to let it all hang out, then you should buy a maternity bathing suit that covers your belly, and looks classy as well.

The different styles come in variations of tankini styles, but are longer in the front. As you grow, the suit will still cover your belly, up until your ninth month. At 5 months, it may look a little long, but that's because it's made to cover your tummy in your later months.

A good maternity bathing suit is made with ties, not clasps. Why? Because with ties, when your bust and/or your belly gets bigger, you can simply loosen the ties and the suit will still fit you. Maternity bathing suits made to fit for your entire pregnancy save you money in the long run. You only need to buy one.

How many maternity bathing suits have you looked at on models who must be about 6 months pregnant - and they look tight around the stomach? I've seen many, and wondered, gee - how will that fit her in a couple more months??

One piece maternity swimwear is very pretty - if you don't mind your tummy sticking out, as you can definitely see your shape as the suit hugs your belly. If you don't want to look pregnant that much, then the full coverage styles, which are longer in the front are better for you.

When considering 2-piece styles, the bottoms should be cut low enough in the front so that your tummy grows above. The bikini bottoms don't necessarily have to have ties at the side, as there is enough stretch in bathing suit fabric that allows you to grow in the hips a few inches. Your hips don't normally get bigger when you are pregnant, providing you are putting on the right amount of weight.

When you're pregnant, and putting on around the recommended weight, you should only grow bigger in the tummy. SOME women grow bigger in the bust as well, but many do not.

OK, you've figured it out. I am plugging my products. But that's only because I am a mom and a designer of maternity bathing suits, and know what women need. My company has the trendiest fabric patterns, latest styles, and a great variety of one and two-piece suits to choose from.

Also, we make everything in Miami, Florida. That means its made in the USA - and when was the last time you bought a piece of clothing actually made in this country? You're doing a good thing by supporting American workers.

But check us out for yourself. We have only the highest quality fabrics and all our suits are made with soft ties, so that your maternity swimsuit will fit you for your entire pregnancy. And you'll look amazing! What more could you ask for?

Carol Louise - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mid-Life Crisis For Females? 7 Steps For Averting Crisis And Helping Baby Boomer Women

Mid-life is a time of transition. Are you feeling unsettled as your children don't need you in the same way? Your job is boring? Are you restless to be doing some meaningful? Perhaps you are thinking about an affair, or your husband is having one. Or, you are moody, cranky, teary.

The crisis is seeing your life as it is and wanting something else.

Here are seven steps for identifying the cause of your crisis and for moving beyond it.

1. Identify the cause of your crisis

In addition to the above issues, it could be your parents are aging or have died; a close friend or sibling is ill or getting divorced. What else is different or painful now?

2. Honor your past accomplishments

If you work, have children, have friends, have a life, you have experience and achievements. Big or small, don't dismiss them. They may be concrete, like arranging a fund raiser for your children's school, climbing a mountain, or learning to swim when you were afraid of water. Give yourself the credit you deserve and have earned.

3. Grieve lost opportunities

Of course there are things you wish you had done, things that never happened. They can be big like not marrying or having children; they can be less consequential but still important like not going to the college of your choice, or not buying the house of your dream. Giving yourself permission to grieve it makes it easier to move on.

4. Set your own expectations for this next phase of your life

Women's lives are guided by others' expectations -- whether or not you have been aware of it. For example, be heterosexual, get married, have children, be nice, don't be loud. By now, you either have or have not either met them. That leaves you free, now, to set your own. What you want to do with your life?

5. Prepare for other's reactions to your changes

If your loved ones see you as the good girl or helpful wife, they may have a difficulty letting you change. Or, they may be supportive - as long as it doesn't inconvenience them. Be prepared. They're being unhappy doesn't mean you have to let go of your plans.

6. Resist being pulled back

Family and close friends may be inconvenienced or scared to see you change and grow. Be firm; don't be lured back to your old way just to lower their anxiety about what your change means for them.

7. Get support

It's hard to step into uncharted waters without your usual support system, so find like minded women. Look for spiritual, religious, or personal growth groups. Consider a weekend retreat for Baby Boomers to help you move through this normal transition period,

Use these tips to help prepare for what you want next. It takes immense strength to change when you are in mid-life.

And, here's another tip. Unique Retreats for Women created just for this type of support and purpose. Check it out at: I also invite to you to get your free copy of Rules To Enhance Your Friendships (another form of support) at, and click on Friendships under Special Offers.

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis, the Woman Who Helps Women and The People They Love

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis - EzineArticles Expert Author

Summer Must-Haves

Warm weather is quickly approaching, and it's about time! Summer is full of laughter, sunshine, and relaxation-or at least it should be. Girls, there are certain necessities for the summer. Yes, necessities (even though your boyfriends or husbands may not agree).

• With warmer weather comes a wearing of swimsuits. So make sure you feel fabulous in yours. If you feel like it is time to treat yourself, buy a new swimsuit this summer. I've found that buying a new swimsuit will increase your motivation to work out. It is true for me. I just kept saying to myself, "Oh no, only 1 month until I will have to wear it out in public!" You'd be surprised at how much faster and how much harder you will work out.

• Wear sunscreen. I know a lot of younger women refuse to wear sunscreen because they want to get as much sun as possible-wanting a great tan. I used to be one of those girls. But you do really need to protect your skin. Just think: if you don't, you'll be leathery and wrinkly sooner than you normally would've been. You don't have to become a hermit and hide from sunlight; just be smart about it.

• Pedicures! Yes. Again, I say: necessity. You don't have to go get it done professionally. You can always do it yourself. Believe me; it can even make you more confident while you strut your stuff in your new swimwear. Pretty toes=big smile on your face.

• Get a few or a few dozen summer dresses. The best place I have found to find cute, unique, and lightweight summer dresses is in a dress boutique. Summer dresses are great because you can dress them up or keep them casual with flip flops. Both ways look fabulous.

• New hair. Treat yourself to a little change, whether that is a haircut or a dye job. Get something fresh and new. You will feel your confidence just jump.

• Sunglasses. Get some updated, trendy sunglasses. Or you can always stick to the classics that never go out of style. Just find some that you are comfortable and confident wearing.

• How could I not add sandals to this list? Yes, sandals, sandals, and even more sandals. With such a plethora to choose from, you really can't go wrong. Just find some fun, flirty sandals and you are good to go.

The Importance of Stun Guns For Women

It was the early morning hours and Samantha was coming from the club that she had enjoyed with her two girlfriends, Sherri and Lana. They had all driven in different cars and parked elsewhere. As Samantha walked to her car, she stopped shortly as she remembered the ritual that she had to go through each time she would walk to her car. She stopped under the street lights and pulled her keys and stun gun from her small purse.

She scolded herself because this should have been done before she vacated the club building. She looked around and saw people going by, but minding their own business. She hoped no one saw her. She was a little tired, but knew that she had to stay alert for any possible attackers. She had learned in her self defense class how important it was to remain alert of ones surroundings. There were a few other people walking to their car, but from a distance. She observed her surroundings, which was another self defense tactic. Her stun gun was also one of the effective self defense tools that could save lives.

She had heard stories about stalkers and bad men who took advantage of women who walked alone and she had made sure to do all she could to protect herself and it paid off so far. She had encouraged both Sherri and Lana to do the same. She mentally prepared herself to call to make sure that they had gotten home safely. She had not gotten the opportunity to use her stun gun, but she vowed to use it if confronted by a stalker or an intruder.

What is the stun gun and how can it be effectively used by a woman?

Stun guns are self defense weapons that woman can use to protect themselves against crime. It is a hand-held device that releases a voltage on the intruder and produces shock waves. Stun guns are not gender specific. However, many manufacturers are seeing the need for specialized stun guns for women are they are becoming quite popular. This is because of the increasing number of attacks that women experience more than men do. Stun guns have become the self defense tool of choice for a lot of women including pepper spray as well.

How to use the Stun Gun

You would have to hold the electrodes very firmly on the person who is attacking you and place it on an area such as the upper shoulder and then you release it. Continue to apply pressure for several seconds until the intruder is down and helpless.

Is the Stun gun safe to use?

A stun gun is not harmful in any way because all it does is to shock the attacker and will not cause any permanent damage. Your goal is to render the attacker helpless. The effect from a stun gun is to the area that is affected and it does not pass through the body to harm any organs. It cannot kill anyone.

Is a stun gun legal to use?

Stun guns may be restricted in some areas, but for the most part, it is legal in most areas. You have to check your local area to find out before you purchase the stun gun.

Samantha got home safely and made the phone call to Lana and Sherri and found out that they had arrived home safely too. It felt safe to have a stun gun for self defense and she vowed to recommend it to most of her friends and anyone she met.

Steve Lane is a freelance writer of informational websites on personal self-defense and home security products including high tech surveillance. He is one of the leading writers on home security and personal self defense products in the country.

He started "Self Defense Shop" in 2004 to help people prevent crime in their lives. "Self Defense Shop" is an Internet business specializing in hard to find and unique self-defense and home security products that help people protect themselves, their family, home and business. His website includes self defense products like pepper sprays, stun guns, personal alarms, and self defense training DVDs.

His business is poised to meet the needs of security conscious consumers who want to protect their families, home and business in increasingly dangerous times with growing crime rates.

Steven R Lane - EzineArticles Expert Author

Gender Bias - Women, Utilize Talent and Innovation to Move Beyond the Glass Ceiling!

On the cover of the April 2008 issue of Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine, is a picture of a woman's ruby red high heel pitted against and unmistakably underneath the toe of a man's business shoe. The feature article is titled: "POWER WHO HAS IT. WHO DOESN'T? The surprising news about gender in the office"

This article, written by Harriet Rubin, was such a surprise to me. After all it appears that women have made so much progress. I was beginning to believe that my writing about breaking the glass ceiling was old news. Or am I right on target with this subject?

To me, in my gut, something in the last few years just didn't feel right. Everyone was trying to tell me "oh no, it's not a problem anymore, look at all these women in PINK magazine!" Still the issues continue to creep into my conscience mind. I continue to speak to anyone; anywhere I can about women facing the barrier of career success, facing the challenges of breaking the glass ceiling. I continue to write articles discussing that very subtle gender curtain.

Then, vindication! Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine features an article and substantiated evidence that supports what my gut is telling me.

When compared to their male counterparts, women are statistically in worse condition financially than they were in 2005. (The Bureau of Labor Statistics; Catalyst and Condé Nast Portfolio research) In 2006 women earned 78.7 cents for every dollar earned by men which represents a decline from the 79.4 cents on the dollar earned in 2005 and marking only a 5-cent increase since 1991.

Women in the board room have not faired that well either. From 1995 to 2005 there was a steady increase in board membership for women, but in the last three years the numbers are flat. Women only represent 14.8% of corporate board seats in the Fortune 500. Within the same Fortune 500, 234 companies were represented by 3 or more female officers in 2006 and only 64 companies did not have a single female officer. The 2007 stats show an alarming 31 companies dropping below three female officers, down to 203, while 10 companies were added to the list of companies with zero female officers. Female CEOs across the board have also lost ground with 29% representing their companies in 2006 and only 27.2% in 2007.

Since the inception of The U.S. Department of Labor Glass Ceiling Commission in 1991 significant progress in these areas occurred and appeared to be gaining momentum. Since the '90s the major news catching awareness of this issue appears to have died down, leaving most to believe that the issue has disappeared. This may be the actual reason for the slow down in progress. Less publicity leads to less awareness. When we look at the feature players such as Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, on the political front, and the CEOs of Avon, EBay and Xerox on the corporate front, everyone in Middle America begins to believe that the issue has disappeared. What remains are men and women in the day to day trenches who face a lack of true leadership. The system is void of the ability to assist both men and women as they attempt to improve their interactions, improve productivity and respect, work in an environment void of the sexism and void of the gender curtain in their path.

Today, I believe that it is a grass roots effort that will solve problems and create progress. It's what we do in the corporations inside and outside of the Fortune 500, to improve the working relationships, policies and paradigms of all management levels, which will change the landscape over the next ten years. If we continue on the current path, progress will be slow and as our Condé Nast author Harriet Rubin laments, 2081 will be the year that true parity will be achieved.

I for one do not want to wait that long. I believe there are mentors with tools to move us forward today. "A Woman's Ladder To Success is Paved with Broken Glass Ceilings" is one of those tools. Men and Women can discover the underlying causes for that subtle gender curtain to exist. Once you are aware, then the challenge is to apply this wisdom to your personal career and your company's future success.

It's time for an awakening. Women cannot rely on the old school rules to solve the crisis of stagnation. Women need to utilize actual talent and innovation to step away from the crowd and create awareness of their true potential. In the March/April 2008 issue of PINK Magazine, the editors found 15 female innovators within Corporate America. The article is enlightening, pointing to the innovative ideas of the likes of Irene Britt, VP and General Manager for Campbell Soup Co. who took the V-8 product from weak in 2005 to V-8 Fusion in 2007. It's innovation of this caliber that sets these 15 women apart from the rest of the corporate crowd.

Read PINK Magazine this month, read "A Woman's Ladder To Success" and combine your talents with your innovative skills and presence and create a new level of success in your career.

Diane Dutton, MBA, CPA, Speaker,Virtual CFO, Business Strategy Consultant and author of "A Woman's Ladder To Success", available at For more information on this and the other factors facing your business growth potential, read the rest of the story at, write to me at

Diane Dutton - EzineArticles Expert Author

Mother's Day - Remember Mother's a Homemaker

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take."

- Cardinal Mermillod

The crux of feminist theory is the concept of the family. The family is the building block of the society and social scientists over the ages have designated the role of holding this unit together on women. This has not gone down well with the fighters of women's rights. They have objected strongly to this as derogatory to the independence of the woman. They have also stressed on the necessary of economic independence for the woman to raise her voice against male oppression. In the modern age, women have been able to throw off the shackles to a large extent. However, if a woman herself chooses to stay at home and raise a family?

Female students have a general tendency to work after they complete their education. If someone chooses a family life within the confines of a home, her peers may take it to be a rather timid and obsolete choice. I feel it's the choice of the individual that matters. If she chooses to be a wife and mother at home, we cannot jeer at her decision. Nor must we feel that she lacks in ability to go out there and rub shoulders with the competitive, inconsiderate world.

A mother staying at home has to take stock of a lot of things. She makes sure that the family wheel stays well lubricated. She helps her husband and children go out for work or education. She keeps them well fed. She takes care of their things and makes sure they are there at hand when needed. She takes care of the bills and other expenditures. She takes care of the finances and plans her savings according to the income of the household. So she does everything that an office manager would be doing. The difference is tat she is doing it on a microcosmic scale, but that does not talk lowly of her efficiency.

There lies another difference too. She does it out of love. The problem arises if her family does not appreciate that love and caring. That is where feminists who are against women staying at home have a problem. The lack of economic independence does compromise her position. Mothers have it particularly difficult if the father is not responsible to the children. Many mothers stay put at home in a loveless marriage for the sake of their children just because they do not have the means to step out of the threshold of stability and security. She has to bear the consequences of not earning a living.

It is very difficult to conclude which path is the best for a mother. It depends on individual calling. Homemakers need not be totally devoid of earnings today. They can do a lot of free lancing work from home which will take care of their expenditures, even if their first priority is the family. What we can do is to empathize with our mothers who are homemakers as they deserve all the appreciation that you can possibly assimilate. What we can also do is respect the sacrifice of love that they have undergone to make us have a better life.

Dorothy Smith is the author of this article wants to send information about the events & special occasions. Want to know more about mothers day or mothers day cards. Celebrate Mothers Day by sending mothers day wishes and other love you mom cards.

Sagging Boobs! Why and What You Can Do to Help!

Saggy Boobs! Is It Inevitable? The Why and the Ways You Can Help Your Boobs Stay Young!

Are you boobs losing their perkiness? Is gravity your enemy? Do your breasts point south? Are you aging gracefully? How are your genetics? Does your mother sag? What can you do? Unless you are a flat chested woman, you will eventually sag. Enjoy your perkiness while you have it! Let your boobies stand at attention! Learn why you sag and how to prolong your perkiness.

Why the sag? Breasts do not have muscles. They have ligaments, connective tissue, fat, and of course outside skin. Gravity pulls down the ligaments and skin can stretch which leads to sagging. Heavy breasts create a more gravitational pull creating more dropping. Gaining and losing weight helps some breast fat disappear; however, skin and ligaments do not retract accordingly which leads to sagging. With normal aging, we loose elasticity of ligaments and skin; therefore, our girls go south. With normal aging, we also have increased softening of breast tissue which lead to breast sag. Pregnancy also helps increase our chances of sagging earlier. Our boobs get heavier, creating more gravity and lose of elasticity. More pregnancies increase the chances of boob droopiness. Plus after weaning a baby, milk-making systems in the breasts shrink because they are not needed anymore. This creates more sag.

What can we do to stay perky? Face it, there is not a lot we can do to prevent sagginess; however, we can prolong our youthful boobies. Diet is a plus. Try to maintain your weight. If you gain and lose weight, you start to droop quicker. You can also help your skin keep it's elasticity through proper diet. Vitamin C, Omega 3 oil, and Flax oil do wonders for skin elasticity. Do not smoke. Smoking takes away from skin elasticity. Maintain your exercise throughout your life in order to prevent a yo-yo weight effect.

Plastic surgery and botox can do a short term fix. Short breast lift will prevent sagging in the short term. With surgery, there are always health risks. Botox, short for Botulinum toxin, can be injected into pectoral muscles. It raises the breasts by forcing the shoulders back and improving posture. It does not have the dangers of surgery but the long term side effects are unknown because it is poisonous in high doses.

The easiest way and best way to prolong the sagging is with a bra. A good supportive bra is a must. Wearing a bra counters the gravitational effect. Bras hold the breast tissue and ligaments in place. The band and the straps provide the support needed to keep some breast weight from pulling downward. It is especially important to wear a good fit bra for big busted women. Big boobs create more weight on the breast tissue and ligaments. A supportive bra prevents those girls from pulling and jiggling. Sports bras are a must for high-impact activities. A proper sports bra can prevent the ligaments from stretching out during high impact activities. Bras are your friend. They will help delay the inevitable droop (flat-chested excluded). Make sure they fit well and provide the support needed for the activities you are engaged in.

Some people ask about wearing a bra when you sleep to prevent sagging. There are opposing views on this theory. Some believe that the bra industry invented this ideas to sell more bras. Several models wear bras in the sleep. They believe it will help preserve shape and perkiness. Most scientists believe it makes no difference whether you wear a bra to bed or not in regards to sagging. When you sleep, you are not moving very much and there is less gravitational pull. Many say to go braless when you sleep to allow for circulation and easy breathing. If you decide to wear a bra when you sleep, at least wear a soft cup bra. Any idea to prevent sagging is worth a try.

Sagging is a fact of life for almost all women at some point during their lives. Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, genetics, breast size, improper fitting bras, diet, and the softening of breast ligaments and the loss of breast tissue with age are some of the main reasons. You can choose to accept your droopy breasts along with wrinkles and gray hair or you can fight. You can do steps to preserve your perkiness. These steps include wearing proper fitting bras, maintaining your weight, trying supplements, and possibly using the help of a doctor. Let your boobs stay young as long as possible. Let them stand up for you. Put off the saggy boobs for as long as possible.

Susan Gilbert is the owner of Diva Bras, - Our company has gone to numerous local and International trade shows. We have talked to fit experts from the following manufacturers and more: Chantelle, Le Mystere, Goddess, Fantasie, Freya, Enell, Aviana, Simone Perele, Panache.

Ladies, Should You Get Your Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Checked?

Bone density, or how thick your bones are, is currently tested using a bone mineral density test (BMD). The World Health Organization (WHO) has established specific guidelines about what constitutes abnormal bone mineral density. These guidelines are based on how far off the patient's results are from those of the average healthy young woman, using something t scores. Osteoporosis is defined as a t score of less than -2.5, which corresponds to a marked degree of bone thinning. If you have a t score of less than -2.5, you are in the bottom 1% in terms of bone density. Osteopenia is bone thinning that is not as severe as osteoporosis, and is defined as t scores between -1.0 and -2.5. If you have a t score in this range that means that your bone density is so low that only 16% of women would have such a result. As bone thinning progresses you could go from having osteopenia to osteoporosis. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) recommends BMD testing for postmenopausal women who have a risk factor for osteoporosis (smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, weight less than 127 pounds, family history of osteoporotic fracture, or prior vertebral fracture), and all women over the age of 65.

I believe the logic of this measure is deeply flawed -- to judge older women by applying standards for young women doesn't make any sense. The t scores are calculated by comparing how much a woman deviates from the bone density of a healthy young woman. That's like having a 70 year old run a 100 yard dash against a 20 year old, and then if he loses, saying that the older man has a disease. Bone density normally declines with age, and therefore there is no reason to think that this is necessarily a cause for concern. Yet today if you have an abnormal BMD test, defined as a t score of greater than 2.5, the NOF guidelines include advice to "talk to your doctor" and provide a description of medications used to prevent fractures.

For example, if you are a woman who gets BMD testing and follows the WHO criteria, there is a 50% chance you will be diagnosed with osteoporosis at the age of 72 (t score less than -2.5), and a good chance your doctor will recommend medication treatment. Your risk of having osteopenia (t score less than -1.0), for which your doctor may recommend medication to "prevent" osteoporosis, is 50% by age 52. In other words, according to the guidelines, half of postmenopausal women should be taking medication for osteoporosis. However, as I show in the next section, recommendations for so many women to take bone medications don't make any sense.

Also, even though BMD predicts fracture, and medications increase BMD, that doesn't mean they necessarily prevent fracture (at least not the ones that cause loss of function or pain). This is the old A equals B and B equals C therefore A equals C. Osteopenia causes fracture, and medication reduces osteopenia, therefore medication reduces fracture. Right? Not exactly.

Normally there are two kinds of cells that regulate bone turnover, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The osteoblasts are actively increasing bone by laying down calcium and phosphate. Osteoclasts, in turn, are chewing up bone on the other end. In young people there is a balance of these two activities. When you get older, however, osteoblast activity declines, and so your bones get thinner. Popular osteoporosis medications get in between the bone and the osteoclast and prevent the osteoclast from breaking down bone. This leads to an increase in bone mineral density.

But what doctors and drug makers often don't tell you is that the medications used to treat osteoporosis, which I discuss shortly, increase the laying down of calcium on the outer, cortical bone, which is more densely packed. The inner bone, called trabecular bone, is less dense, but forms a lattice like network that is more important for the strength of the bone. With aging there is a loss of trabecular bone, therefore there is less area for calcium to be laid down. Therefore calcium is preferentially laid down on the outer, cortical bone. This may increase your BMD score, but it won't necessarily reduce your risk of fracture. And there are some particularly nasty side effects to deal with, which I will discuss below.

The research studies don't show much benefit for women without a prior history of fracture, and any benefit goes away after a few years. Based on that I say don't get your BMD checked, and exercise, quit smoking, and do other things to prevent fractures instead. If you have a history of fracture you can talk to your doctor.

Learn more about alternatives to medications and hidden risks of prescription medications in 'Before You Take That Pill: Why the Drug Industry May be Bad for Your Health: Risks and Side Effects You Won't Find on the Label of Commonly Prescribed Drugs, Vitamins and Supplements' by researcher and physician J. Douglas Bremner, MD.

Doug Bremner - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sexy Panties - The Necessity For All Women

Today, sexy panties range from bikinis to boy shorts to thongs and g-strings. Most women own a collection of sexy panties as a part of their basic wardrobes. However, today's panties are a relatively modern invention. Provided here is a guide to sexy panties through the ages.

The loincloth is believed to have been the earliest form of clothing. In warmer climates, the loincloth was often worn as the only garment. In colder temperatures, however, the loincloth was generally worn as a protective under layer beneath heavier clothing. Both men and women wore loincloths, and the sole purpose is believed to have been comfort and protection, not sex appeal. Sexy panties had not yet been conceived.

In the Middle Ages, both men and women wore a type of leggings known as braies. Again, the purpose was functional, not sexual. Chastity belts are often associated with the Crusades, but this appears to be largely a mythological connection. Chastity belts appeared during the Renaissance, but were often worn by women trying to guard against sexual assault rather than those with jealous husbands.

The Age of Corsetry
During the Renaissance, the straight, boyish look of the medieval period gave way to styles that enhanced the woman's figure. During this time, women wore layers of clothing, but underpants were generally not part of the ensemble. Pantaloons or pantalettes, long underwear made of white linen, became popular during the late 19th century to protect against chafing under crinolines and provide modesty with shorter skirts. Although pantaloons were not designed to be sexy panties, some sex appeal was inherent.

The bustle was briefly popular during the 1880s. Designed to exaggerate the size and shape of the buttocks, the bustle was an early example of sexy panties' use in enhancing the body. However, the bustle itself, consisting of a padded frame, was anything but sexy.

In many ways, bloomers could be considered the precursor to modern sexy panties. Popularized by young athletic women in the early 1900s, bloomers were available in both underwear and outerwear versions. They generally fastened just below the knee and were an evolution of earlier pantaloons.

The 1920s
The 1920s ushered in the age of the flapper. Flappers were outspoken and liberal, and bucked societal norms. The modern age of lingerie can be traced to the flappers of the 1920s. It was at this time that sexy panties were truly born.

The 1930s to Today
Styles have, of course, changed over the years. Along with changing fashions, the idea of what is sexy has also changed dramatically. Through the 1930s and 1940s, practicality was still highly emphasized. In the '50s, a playful sexuality emerged.

The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s allowed women to wholeheartedly embrace their sexuality. During and after the sexual revolution, sexy panties became available in a wide range of styles. Today, bikinis, thongs and g-strings are especially popular.

Amanda Cotterill has been involved in the sexy lingerie uk market for many years. This article outlines the benefits of women choosing sexy panties as if that needed much explaining! Please include this credit if you use this article.

The Perfectionist Trap

"Some women feel that they have to be perfect in everything they do at work. They want all of their work and all of their ideas to be brilliant," reports Carol Deutsch, a communications consultant in Asheville, N.C. Particularly in a new job, Deutsch adds, women often hold themselves up to an impossibly high standard of performance.

New jobs -- particularly when they are the result of a promotion -- can be overwhelming and often cause women to doubt their abilities to perform well. "So much to learn. So much expected. Maybe I made the wrong decision," we often lament.

"The person in a new position may interpret her lack of knowledge about the role to mean that she isn't qualified to perform," acknowledges Joan Harvey, Ph.D., in her book, If I'm So Successful, Why Do I feel Like a Fake? "She might even begin to believe she has misled her employer about her abilities. These feelings of being incompetent cause the person to try to be perfectionist. She doesn't want to make one little mistake because she thinks that will be people's clue to her tragic flaw."

The best way to avoid the perfectionist trap? Expect to make mistakes, and forgive yourself when you do. Also, don't be afraid or reluctant -- as women often are -- to ask for help or advice.

"When you move into a new position, seek advice from two types of people: those who have many years' experience in a job like the one you will be taking, and those who have recently made the transition," recommends Donna Hansen, former police chief of Fort Myers, Fla. "The best advice I got came from a police chief who told me, 'Go with your own style.' No one can really tell you to do this or that -- you have to be true to yourself and do things at your own speed. Moreover, it's important not to model behaviors you don't like or that don't feel right, because that's what ultimately ends up giving us ulcers, heart attacks, etc."

In summary, don't expect too much too soon -- either of yourself or your employees. Take time to take charge. Get to know the people you'll be working with. And realize that you will make mistakes, and they won't necessarily stain your reputation or dash your career aspirations. By handling top-priority tasks well and getting the word out to the right people, your occasional missteps will be overlooked. Learn to live with the mistakes you've made ... and learn to move on!

Best selling author Connie Glaser is one of the country's leading experts on gender communication and women's leadership issues. Her recently published book, GenderTalk Works, provides an upbeat guide to bridging the gender gap at work. A popular keynote speaker at corporate events, she can be reached at

Different Variety of Women' Perfumes That Exist

Most people do not know that there is different body chemistry and because of that there is the need of different womens perfume. By understanding this many women can buy scents and fragrances that are suited to them. If you like wearing perfume and you do not know anything about all the types of perfumes that exist then it will be interesting for you to continue reading this article.

Types of Womens Perfume

It is differentiated first in the type of scent that it has. There are various scents that are available and it will be important for the wearer to find the one that is appropriate. Perfumes can be defined as being floral, oriental, woody, and fresh or fougere. This is basically the materials that they are made from. Floral perfumes usually will have the scent of a flower, woody will have the scents of different woods and fresh scent is most of the time made from citrus. By understanding these basic things, users will be able to choose the most appropriate fragrance for them.

Different strength for womens perfume

The basic type of strength that exists is true perfume. This type consists of a concentration of at least twenty percent of aromatic oils and usually come in a small bottle which is normally beautifully designed. Using this type will make sure that you have the full essence of a fragrance and therefore a great aroma. Unfortunately this type is also the most expensive one.

Normally an eau de perfume, eau de toilette or eau de cologne should be appropriate for the average person. These types are made from reduced concentrations of essence. Usually they are cheaper and also available in large quantities making them quite affordable for women that are looking for a perfume that they could wear on a daily basis. Given their cheaper price, it can be interesting for women to buy different scents of these types so that they could change regularly.

Knowing the difference in women's perfumes

It takes time for a person to learn all the different aspects of this subject but taking this time should prove to be very useful. As you become more knowledgeable in the perfume brands and groups, it will be easy to determine the scents of just by looking at the labels. This can be helpful if you want to offer womens perfumes as gifts for example.

If you would like more information on what and where to buy Perfume and receive a FREE Newsletter on the subject visit the authors site

Stepping Into Your Beauty

"Stepping into Your Goddess Beauty From the Inside Out"

One of the most powerful things we can do in life is to recognize our own amazing power in being a woman. Our beauty resonates from the inside-out giving us an inward and outward radiance that shines forth to the world. It has come a time for your goddess wisdom, purpose, and truth to shine magnificently! How powerful and empowering beauty can be in life as you awaken your true God given abilities to do all you can with all that you have been given.

Recognizing your own magic will allow for you to apply new thoughts, senses, actions, behaviors, love, gratitude, and wisdom to your daily life fulfilling your existence in ways you have only dreamed of revealing. Each one of us has a set of values from most important to least important. When you list them in order of importance from 1-7 in terms of Spiritual, Mental, Vocational, Financial, Familial, Social, and Physical, you will see where you concentrate most of your time from most to least important, to then understanding where your dedication and time are focused.

When we are seeking to discover our soul mate, once the infatuation is diluted, we see that if we flip our own value set upside down, we discover the one we are with and their set of values. Your uniqueness is most appreciated when you live as you are according to your own values. Give yourself permission to shine forth revealing the amazing woman that you are. We at times subordinate to others versus listening to our own inner voice or intuition. Intuition is your spirit within whispering to your heart your truth of loving the life you live. Allow yourself to get into the game of life and take every breath you can toward each victorious step in grasping your dreams. This is where you become congruent with your mission in life. Inner wisdom begins to project an outward glimpse of the Grand Organized Design.

I am graciously dedicated to the discovery of the magical and inspiring gifts of femininity that allow our physical being to thrive in human potential and opportunity, and also to survive in the realization that within every perceived crisis is a blessed gift. Be filled with radiant vitality and mental clarity for living your authentic self. Thank you for spending this time exploring your beautiful nature and how to access your greatest powers. Every woman is worthy of deserving her dreams. I've noticed woman need help and support to reawaken their allure of femininity, and the independent successes that they dream of....The Secret to The Beautiful You is the gift of our soul, resonating with the minds mastery and our shining beauty that illuminates our lives, as we are all stars of the universe....full of light for generations to follow. Live with bold genius, knowing that sweat and tears, failures and challenges, and our hearts greatest calling will bring forth our feminine power in success and love for impacting feminine legacies.

Meditate with a calm heart words that lift and inspire such as: "I am healthy" "I am focused" "Vision" "Inspired" "Grateful" "Love" "Energize" "I love who I am" "I am empowering" "I am beauty" "I am Grace" "I am There" "I am inspired" "I love and therefore am loved" "I do whatever it takes" "I am beautiful from the inside-out" !! STARR

Starr Shephard - EzineArticles Expert Author

Baby Gift Ideas And Mommy Sense

With another baby coming along, you think of tiny little things that would excite the mommies, too. But being a veteran of three children does not always assure that you have the best taste for baby gift sets and mommy advice. What if you're no mommy yet?

Mommy Sense

Mommies are supposed to know what's best for their babies. If you're no mom yet, think like a mom when you're getting a baby gift set for the newest member of the family. Here are some useful tips to remember before you invest your money in a memorable gift for the baby:

* Know the gender of the baby.
* Go for hypo-allergenic pillows and stuffed toys.
* Get practical gifts.
* For baby toy chests, be sure the item is certified non-toxic.

Since babies cannot appreciate gifts yet, get baby gift sets that make the mommies smile with contentment. Sensible gifts like feeding bottles and blankets make the grade because moms can stretch budgets when it comes to baby things.

For your part, this shaves off the time you spend poring over store catalogues for gift items for toddlers and infants, checking non-toxic and no-choke items while looking at the price range. That's what mommies do when they get things for their precious babies, it is safety first and budget next.

Extra Special Gifts

Of course, the firstborn of your best friends are extra special babies. The moment of truth has arrived. Your friend is now a mommy and you're still hoping to be one. Remember those high school and college casual chitchats about having kids? You'll remember that she wanted something truly special to celebrate her womanhood and in the same breath welcome the baby to the world.

Choosing the right baby gift can be a taxing exercise when it's your first time to get something for a special baby and when the occasion calls for extra special gifts with a personal touch. It's ridiculously funny that first time baby gift givers are petrified or anxious about the task of getting the right gift when baby can't have a say at all.

How about the gift of time? Spend more of your free time with your friend until she is out of the hospital, cook her favorite meals, and have a quiet celebration with her family at the hospital.

Or, you can splurge for your baby gift ideas - an oil painting rendition of the baby, a packaged CD of his baby pictures at the hospital, or a tape of cool lullabies. Baby jewelry for the posh babies will elate the fashionista mommies.

For the baby's visual development, you can make black and red or red and white mosaics for his mobile. Infants, contrary to belief, are not attracted to pastel colored stuffed toys and decals. But show them stark colors like black and red, they'll follow the color. So give them black, white, and red geometric visual treats, and they learn to focus and pay attention to details.

Or, you could a parenting CD for the first time parents who cannot make heads or tails of their roles when the baby is colicky, having tantrums, or bored. That would welcome the baby best to this stressed-out world. These baby gift ideas would be more than welcome.

Can't make up your mind about those baby gift sets, unique baby gifts, or creative baby shower gifts and toy sets? See them for yourself and you'll love them all at

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